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Discover New Possibilities

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How the App Works

The App allows a shop owner to create his own dashboard.  You can track customers; promote products and you can reward customers with loyalty points. You can insert your logo and ensure your followers recognize you.  Your shop will have its very own QR code for easy sign up for your customers.  Take the tour today!

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You can promote products and change frequently.


This is where your customers can set up their account and they can even add a photo (that displays on your dashboard) that you can use for comparison when they visit your shop.

Loyalty Points

You determine your points configuration.  Your customers can request to redeem points for an in shop discount or you can award products.  The choice is yours to manage and award points based on your preferences.


How would you like to be able to contact and market your products as simply as sending an email? This app can mass market a ‘special’, a “new product” or new way for your customers to earn additional rewards. This easy process constantly keeps your logo on their phone and in their minds.

Are You Ready for the New Vape Loyalty App?

I am ready to take it to the next level with the new vape loyalty app.

QR Codes link YOUR store to YOUR customers.

Post your personalized QR code prominently in your shop-your customers can scan your code-and be linked directly to the benefits of shopping with YOU. 

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Shop's Dashboard

Setting up your shop's dashboard is easy. You can upload your shop's logo; add rewards points and promote inventory items easily. 

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